End of Summer Bash - Ca$h for Tricks Contest

Custom Bump to Rail skate obstacle + Cash for Tricks and a Taco Guy, say less!!

If you unfortunately missed our skate sesh back in August - man did you miss a good one!! No worries - we’ll give ya all the good deets here!! Let’s take it back to the discussion with our friends from TNR wanting to throw a rager for their fellow vet skaters - we’re always down to open the doors of our private skate park for these guys. We calculated some fun ideas, made the flyer & put the word out. 

OC Ramps End of Summer Bash

Speed up to the 26th of August, it was a hot summer day with scorching temperatures however that didn’t stop the fun from happening. We cranked the office AC & opened the OC Ramps doors to the public with free admission & five bucks for skaters to partake on the ramps + contest. First thing is first, stopping at the front desk to say waddup to Miss Heather and then square up on a waiver and skate entry (everyone must sign a waiver, skater or not - safety never takes a vacation, remember that!). 

Watch the full video from our YouTube channel, be sure to like & subscribe!!

Cruisin through our warehouse doors into the fun you’ll immediately hear some beats setting the vibe as we had the homie bring his DJ equipment for the center stage of the skatepark. Speakers fully notched, let’s shred!!

OC Ramps End of Summer Bash with live DJ

Our HQ was shortly filled with hundreds of people excited to shred the private park, the custom skate obstacle & watch the fun unfold. The three custom half pipes were the kick off to the competition for cash for tricks. Get those bones warmed up prior to the main event obstacle!

OC Ramps End of Summer Bash crowd on halfpipes

Many of our Skate Team riders made the event, pictured is Kickflip Kaydin.

Kickflip Kaydin at OC Ramps halfpipes

Pictured is team rider Andrew Miller on our custom 4ft tall halfpipe.

OC Ramps skate team on halfpipe private park

Dalton Dern catching the air on the 7ft tall section of our 5ft Tall Halfpipe

Dalton Dern at OC Ramps HQ 5ft tall Halfpipe

Another skater came in clutch with her tricks from the halfpipe onto the concrete - flawlessly!! 

End of Summer Bash with Cash for Tricks at OC Ramps

Let’s not forget to mention the delish smells of freshly grilled bacon wrapped hot dogs & tacos. This taco guy was super chill & his food truck was amazing - literally we all raved about the service + food & cannot wait until he comes back for our next event!

Taco Truck at OC Ramps Party

Benji with TNR brought a couple stacks and was super pumped for Cash 4 tricks to get underway!!

Benji with TNR cash for tricks at OC Ramps

This little skater was grinding the gold skate rail like a champ.

Contestant skater for Cash for tricks at OC Ramps custom skate obstacle

Even earned a couple bucks for his skills!

Stoked skater kid at OC Ramps Cash for tricks contest

Pictured is Chris Hiett

Chris Heitt OC Ramps Bump to Rail skate obstacle

Marquese comin in hot with the tail grinds!

Marquese skating at OC Ramps Skate nites

Here's a little TikTok clip -

 Catch us at the next party in October aka Ramptober!!