Go Skateboarding Day with Attic Skate Shop x OC Ramps

Go Skateboarding Day is a national skater holiday that is marked June 21st, rain or shine to influence and celebrate the pure passion of cruising on wheels! Just getting out there to cruise by your local skate shop or skate park to engage with locals on the same level of dedication of the ever evolving skill.

This year on Go Skateboarding Day, our squad at OC Ramps HQ united with Attic Skate Shop to give back to the community over at the Edison Park in Huntington Beach. 

Edison Park Go Skate Day x OC Ramps

Few of our skate team riders showed up to represent us, such as Karly, Andrew, Hiett, and Massie to name a few! A few brands like Madrid, Powell, & Bones joined the fun. We of course supplied the skate obstacles to add some extra flavor to the existing park set up such as our custom 12ft Butter Bench, Launch WR, and Bump to Butter

OC Ramps Bump to Butter Go Skate Day

Once everyone got warmed up with the obstacles we started “Cash for tricks” which is an easy way to make a couple bucks doing your stuntin tricks. Wow factor gets you more $$. 

Go Skate Day with OC Ramps Cash for tricks

The skate shops & brands all came with tons of decks & shirts for prizes. Everyone was able to earn something for their efforts which is rad & empowering itself. The favorite obstacle of the day was the Launch WR as the skaters launched through a tree!! Took a few times for some skaters however never give up & try til ya get it - and eventually they landed it, with a few scraps!! Name of the skateboarding game!!!  

OC Ramps launch WR into tree Go Skate Day

Check out our YouTube video that captures a lot of the shenanigans!! Meet up with us on the next Go Skateboarding day & earn some free gear & moolah!!!!